Terms of Service

Terms of Service


By accessing this website and purchasing products you are agreeing to the following Terms of Service. If you are breaking any local or state law by accessing this website or using any of its services or content you do so at your own risk.

General Information

Your use of our service(s) implies that you have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions. The website (all LEAGUEAIM websites may hereafter be referred to, both individually and collectively, as "the website") from which you accessed this agreement, is provided to you subject to the conditions listed below. You are responsible for the actions of any other person who may utilize your access rights on the LEAGUEAIM website.

Grounds for Termination

Your use of our service(s) must not violate any of the following restrictions, failure to comply may result in termination of your access to any or all parts of our service(s).

  • Redistributing or attempting to redistribute your LEAGUEAIM account (i.e account sharing, selling your account, etc).
  • Attempting to chargeback or refund any service purchased from LEAGUEAIM.
  • Distributing our service(s) to people who do not already have access to our service(s).
  • Analyzing LEAGUEAIM software, including:
    • ·  Analysis of network authentication.
    • ·  Decompiling or disassembling any binaries downloaded from the LEAGUEAIM website.
    • ·  Finding methods to 'detect' our software for screensharing purposes.
    • ·  Any analysis made under bad faith, or for malicious reasons.

We may at our sole discretion suspend or terminate your access to our service(s), with or without notice for any reason or no reason at all.

Third Party Actions

leagueaim.gg is in no way, shape or form responsible for any third parties taking action due to the use of any content provided. This includes but is not limited to game bans, kicks, fees, etc. Any and all losses are solely the user's responsibility.

Refund Policy

You are entitled to a refund provided you contact us within 24 hours of purchase, we have deemed the reason for refund as valid, and you have not violated any condition in our Grounds for Termination. Examples of valid reason are:

  • Inability to use our service(s) due to incompatibility with our software or other reasons that may be out of your limits.